Here at Oak Cottage we keep over 60 breeds of pure poultry, large fowl, bantams and egg-laying hybrids.
We ensure all our breeds are kept pure. They range in size from the gentle giants, the Brahma and the cart horse of the poultry breeds, the Cochin to the smallest like the Dutch, Japanese or Pekin Bantams. We supply experts and complete novices (see our ‘Starter Pack’ below).
We also have egg-laying breeds like the Light Sussex and the Marron. If you have a specific breed in mind, please get in touch as we may be able to source these for you.
It is likely that we can help you whatever your choice. The birds are available all year round, but if you require a particular type you may have to order.
Our popular breeds of chickens for sale include:
Most birds are sold at 18 weeks and sexed as hens or cocks.
Birds which are in short supply may have to be ordered and hatched to order. We are able to source birds from other suppliers if we don’t have them.
Please contact us for more details and for pricing.